

Find everything anywhere

Bring a Google-like search experience to your enterprise with Unily’s unified search center. Improve knowledge access by centralizing content and data in one place, even across platforms. Increase productivity and innovation by helping employees find documents, technology, and people. Deliver a sophisticated intranet search experience that your enterprise deserves.


Bring knowledge together with a single accessible platform through unified search. Ensure employees easily find the most up-to-date and most relevant information at scale, with content governance and lifecycle management built for global enterprises. With configurable search UI templates, your site admins create consumer-grade search interfaces that help your people find what they need.

Knowledge Management Software


Give your employees the tools to find what they need, whenever they need it, with an advanced intranet search engine. Supercharge productivity by surfacing information across disparate sources through OOTB integrations. Fine-tune relevancy settings, like ranking the most important content properties to align search experiences to your unique business priorities.

Productivity & Collaboration

Search ROI. See a proven impact from Unily customers.

The introduction of global search has seen search usefulness improve by 300%.

53% of colleagues save more than 30 minutes a week with platform search. 97% of staff say their EXP keeps them informed.

Employees save an average of 82 seconds per task with search in 2020, equating to $42 million saved annually in productivity gains.

Saw their unified search center achieve several use-cases in one feature; Helping employees find information, collaborate with colleagues and improved content viewership by 230%.

Saw an 88% reduction in emails and a significant productivity boost since launch by providing Air Hub, a searchable directory for resources and information.


Unily’s powerful intranet search extends to both the front and back end experience. A unified back end search experience enables admins, publishers, and content contributors to manage, govern, and publish knowledge easily. Granular controls enable admins to quickly ensure that only relevant items are discoverable to determined user groups.

Knowledge is accessible on the go with the mobile app, with one search bar that connects every knowledge repository. Enable employees to find the answers they need, wherever they are.


Unily’s intranet search engine is completely configurable to ensure employees encounter only the most relevant information. Admins can target any collection of content based on profile properties, including department, location, job title, and much more. By eliminating irrelevant result sources, users are routed to the right answers faster. Results are also presented to employees in their chosen language, providing a completely optimized search.

Promoted Search

Increase exposure to important content items and make it easier for your users to find what they need. The Promoted Search feature enables your enterprise to promote specific search results to the top of the search experience for selected queries. Target specific audiences within your platform with promoted content just for them. For example, you might want a 'Sales Bonus Policy' search result to only be promoted to people in your Sales team.


Say goodbye to knowledge lost across multiple disconnected applications. Say hello to single-pane-of-glass access from one powerful intranet search. Integrations with external applications like Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, ServiceNow, and Salesforce give employees easy access to knowledge across all sources. Whether your employees search through a ServiceNow wiki or contracts stored in Salesforce, information is assessed seamlessly through one central hub.

Intranet Integrations

  • "Unily has great search capabilities, contemporary design, is viewable on any device and soon will allow us to reach employees in our distribution centers, labs, and transport networks for the first time. It’s a real game changer for us."

    Kerry Christopher - VP Internal Communications at Cardinal Health
  • "Being well informed, collaborating, communicating with colleagues and effective search tools – these are central to our new intranet. "

    Heinz Korten - Project Lead at Wacker
  • "Before Unily, our digital workplace was essentially useless. No one went there for anything, and it was not used as a communication channel at all. Because of this, we had no way to get content out to employees who needed it, and it took employees 50% longer to find the information they needed to get their job done – if they could find it at all. This led to people going to ‘who they knew’ rather than getting the official information from the intranet."

    Travis Gregory - Associate Director, IT at Biogen

Intranet search FAQs

What is an intranet search engine?

An intranet search engine is a pivotal component of internal knowledge management. It facilitates seamless information retrieval within an organization's intranet. It also plays a key role in enhancing the overall employee experience, by improving productivity.

A competent intranet search engine does this by reducing the time employees spend searching for information across multiple applications, by creating one unified search repository.

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How can I improve my intranet search engine?

Improving your intranet search engine involves continuous refinement and optimization. However, you may be using legacy technology that has no place in the modern workplace. Instead, consider leveraging employee experience platforms (EXPs) that go beyond basic search functionalities. These platforms, designed to enhance the overall workplace experience, offer advanced features for improved search accuracy, content updates, and user feedback incorporation.

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What problems does an intranet solve?

An intranet and employee experience platform addresses many problems companies have with storing and finding content and knowledge. They serve as a solution to information silos, communication bottlenecks, and inefficiencies with collaboration. EXP's foster connectivity and engagement throughout the workforce by keeping all the information an employee might need right at their fingertips.

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How do I access an intranet search engine?

Accessing an intranet or digital workplace search engine is typically accomplished by logging in to the organization's intranet platform. This may be done through a desktop or a mobile device. Access is secure and relevant to the user, and integrated authentication and permission protocols ensure a reliable and efficient intranet search experience.

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