
Unily sponsors Intra Net Reloaded Boston 2018

Unily will be sponsoring and presenting at this year’s Intra.Net Reloaded conference in Boston, USA.

Unily shares its intranet expertise at a digital workplace conference in Boston

Intra.Net Reloaded will bring together more than 200 decision maker from IT, internal communications and business departments from international organizations, who are responsible for creating tomorrow’s digital workplace. Delegates have the unique opportunity to get involved in a combination of inspirational keynotes, well moderated interactive sessions with over 40 different industry speakers.

Unily will be showcasing how its Intranet-as-a-service platform is revolutionizing what a modern intranet is capable of, revealing brand new features such as targeted homepages, Unily sites, mandatory content and so much more.

Intranet Insights from Mars: Driving internal communications with a global intranet

We’ll be joined by Tiph, Turpin, Senior Manager, Global Internal Communications at Mars, who successfully launched an intranet to their kick-off pilot group of 45,000 unique users a platform to consume and share company news and information. We’ll talk through the features which are helping to unite a globally dispersed workforce, how they gained user engagement from day one and their innovative roadmap for the future.

Join us on day one of the conference at 11.00am. 

For more information on the event and tickets, contact [email protected].

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